About Me
Name : Chew Shi Tien Age : 17 Bdae : 13june1988 Intro: Well,im a human of course.Male.currently living on the earth,studying in a stupid school.love to crap and lame. love reading comics,using computer,drawing and lots other.well.nothing much about me.im just another human xD Love : FOOD , yeah lots of food .-.- , chocolate , heaven and earth green tea (but currently reducing intake , ITS HARMFUL) lol. sports , design , classical music , musics xD it spice up our monotouous life xD. HER xD
Im really wrong,really and seriously wrong.im just thrown myself into a deepest hole ever.it is all due to be,i have chose to walk this path and i have ruin it.freaking shit.remind yet i still walk this path.why..why am i so selfish.the desire,the feeling.crap.im wrong totally! to be afraid of saying to doubt , to not know what is on the person's mind , not to appreicate. stupidlity has killed me,acting pawned me.im i too late?im having a whole lots of thoughts now.so many things to say.but i know it is useless to explain.im sorry.
What is the use of reminding when you cant even resist it.does it do any help?can you really fight against your desires?can you?if there's a will , there is a way.dont try.its a must.Why are you afraid of?fear will led you to death,now you are facing one.better to be truthful than a liar. you reap what you sow. Purpose Driven Life posted by Zeph Chew at 10:24 PM